Rare Cancer
Your support helps transform MSK’s rare cancer research into treatments available worldwide.
Three Ways Donor Support Is Closing the Care Gap for Many Types of Rare Cancer.
All Pediatric Cancers Are Considered Rare
Research for cancers affecting children and young adults is underfunded. But MSK cares for more patients with these cancers than any other hospital in the United States. A gift today will help MSK develop new treatments for young people facing cancer.
MSK-ACCESS — Building a Better Biopsy
Traditional biopsies involve surgery. In June 2019, MSK launched MSK-ACCESS, a revolutionary liquid biopsy that sequences 129 cancer-associated genes using a simple blood draw. Developed with donor support, it provides a unique, noninvasive way to diagnose cancer and guide targeted treatment decisions. MSK-ACCESS may be especially impactful for people with rare cancers that don’t have an established standard of care, since genetic drivers of these diseases often indicate which treatment options are likely to result in the best outcomes for patients.
Over 2,500 Pancreatic Tumors Sequenced With MSK-IMPACT™
The MSK-developed tumor sequencing test MSK-IMPACT has allowed us to collect more genetic information on pancreatic cancer, which is a rare cancer, than any other institution in the world — so we can study and further understand this disease and how to treat it.