Fundraiser FAQ


MSK Benefits


There are many advantages to hosting your event with Memorial Sloan Kettering. We will help you as best we can to not only get the information that you need but also to promote the event once it's active. Please review these frequently asked questions about hosting a community event with Memorial Sloan Kettering. If you still have questions, you can reach us online and someone will be in touch with you soon.

MSK Benefits

Can I use the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) name and logo to promote my event?

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Yes. After you register your event, you will receive access to a downloadable version of the MSK logo, which you may use on your printed materials or social media pages. When using the MSK name and logo, please make sure it is clear MSK is the beneficiary and not the host of the event (you may do so by including the word “benefiting” above the logo).

Will someone from MSK attend my event?

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We are fortunate to have many passionate fundraisers like you fundraising for MSK across the country each year. Depending upon staff availability, someone from MSK may be able to attend your event. We are also always happy to provide you with resources to ensure that the MSK brand is visible at your event. Contact us for more details.

Will MSK solicit corporate sponsorship for my event?

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MSK cannot solicit corporate sponsors for your event. However, we will provide approved events with an acceptance letter, which can be used to add credibility to your efforts when soliciting corporate sponsorships and in-kind donations. You can also find sponsorship proposal templates in the Appendices of the event toolkits.

Can I designate my funds raised to a specific area within MSK?

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Yes, you may direct the funds you raise to a specific area within MSK during the registration process. If you choose not to select a specific designation, the funds you raise will support the area of MSK’s greatest need. At any point, you may redirect your funds by letting your MSK representative know what area of treatment/research you would like to support.

Event Coordinators and Logistics


Your event coordinators should be available to help set up event logistics, as well as organize various ways to help you to raise money. Please review these common questions about event coordination and logistics. If you still have questions, you can reach us online, and someone will be in touch soon!


Who will help run my event?

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We recommend that you form a committee of friends, family, and others who are passionate about the cause. They will play an important role in providing support during your event and throughout the planning process.

Can I have an opportunity drawing or auction at my event?

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Opportunity drawings and auctions are great ways to raise money. Many states have strict regulations governing drawings and gaming events carried out for charitable purposes. For more information about the rules in your state, please contact your local municipality or review your state’s official website.

What is MSK’s Tax ID number?

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MSK’s tax ID number is 13-1924236. Please note that due to legal guidelines, you may not use the tax-exempt number to make purchases related to your event. However, you can provide the number to businesses who make donations to your event and need to verify the tax status of MSK.

Who will pay my event expenses?

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You are responsible for covering all expenses for your event. MSK cannot reimburse for these expenses. You may deduct your event costs from the funds raised before you send your funds to MSK, but these costs cannot exceed 20% of the total amount raised. Many fundraisers try to obtain corporate or individual underwriters to absorb some or all of the event expenses.

Are sponsorships tax-deductible?

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Sponsors make monetary donations directly to MSK. These donations are counted toward the event revenue and cannot be used by the event organizer to cover expenses. Sponsors receive a 100% tax deduction as long as they do not receive any substantial return benefits other than an acknowledgment of the name or logo at the event. Please refer to for additional information.

How do I collect donations before, during, and after my event?

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The majority of gifts should be made through your online personal fundraising page (more information below). These gifts can be made securely using a credit or debit card and you can watch your fundraising progress unfold in real time. Whenever possible, encourage your attendees, sponsors, and other donors to use the online platform to make their contributions.

We understand that in some cases check donations are necessary. Checks should be made payable to ‘Memorial Sloan Kettering’ and include your event name in the memo line. Before the event, please instruct donors to send any checks directly to your MSK representative. If you receive checks on event day, please hold on to them and send them to your MSK representative after the event.

If I am holding the same event annually, do I need to register each year?

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Yes, please register your event online and indicate that you are a returning event.

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Online Fundraising Pages


Register for online giving pages by visiting Create Your Own Fundraising Event. From there, your event will be reviewed and, if approved, registered on our online platform. Please take a moment to review some frequently asked questions about online giving page. If you still have questions, you can reach us here, and someone will be in touch soon.

Fundraising Pages

Can I create an online fundraising page for my event on MSK’s website?

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After registering and receiving approval for your event, you will get a link to create an online fundraising page. You can customize this page with your event details and collect credit and debit card donations to directly support MSK. You can also encourage your network to create their own personal fundraising pages off of your main page to fundraise for the event.

How can I encourage people to make donations to my fundraising page?

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After you create your online fundraising page, you will receive an email with a link to your Participant Center. Create a shorter, cleaner URL in the Fundraising Center and include this URL in your email solicitations to your family, friends, and network. You may also share the URL on social media.

What if my donors give me checks or cash and I have a fundraising page?

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We encourage your donors to contribute via your online fundraising page, but if you receive checks, please mail them directly to your MSK representative with the event name in the memo line of all checks. Please convert any cash donations to a money order before mailing to your MSK representative.

If I have a live/silent auction, can a donor pay their bids online?

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The IRS has regulations on the tax deductibility of donations made through auctions. Therefore, winning bidders cannot make a donation through your online fundraising page. Please inform your MSK representative if you are organizing an auction with proceeds benefiting MSK.

Your Donors


Please take a moment to review some frequently asked questions about online giving page donors. If you still have questions, you can reach us here, and someone will be in touch soon.


Will MSK provide my donors with tax acknowledgment letters?

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Yes, all donors who donate online via your fundraising page will receive an email tax acknowledgment. Donors who make gifts by check directly to MSK will receive mailed tax acknowledgments.

Can my donors apply for corporate Matching Gifts?

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Yes, anyone who works for a company that participates in a corporate matching gift program can apply for a match if MSK is an eligible organization. To learn more and find your company’s matching gift policies, please visit our matching gifts information page.

Will donors to my event be contacted by MSK?

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Donors who make gifts directly to MSK are eligible to receive communications regarding MSK’s breakthrough research. Donors who give a gift of $1,000 or more will receive a personal thank you from our staff for their generosity. If you prefer that MSK does not contact your donors, please alert your MSK representative.