Meet Lilly

When She Was One Year Old, Her Parents Were Told Hospice Was the Only Option.

Lilly’s neuroblastoma was multiplying in her stomach, brain, spine, and eyes. That's when her grandmother googled a clinical trial I was running at MSK and her parents flew Lilly from the UK to the United States to participate.

Working in an MSK lab, my colleague, Dr. Nai-Kong Cheung, created antibodies to deliver tumor-specific radiation to cells in Lilly's brain and spinal cord. Today, Lilly is an active and fun-loving young girl whose classmates just voted her the kid with the best sense of humor.

We have never seen neuroblastoma patients respond this well before.


Memorial Sloan Kettering pediatric cancer patient Lily's story


A Skyrocketing Survival Rate in Just Five Years of Trials

Survival rates are up from zero to sixty percent for kids with metastatic neuroblastoma, thanks to this new MSK-created treatment funded by donor support.

We just saw that drug named an FDA Breakthrough Therapy. That means the successful immunotherapy that cleared Lilly’s cancer is on the fast track to treat kids all over the world.

We are so ecstatic that children from around the world will be given the same chance as Lilly.


Another Immunotherapy Breakthrough Unthinkable Without you, the MSK Research Supporter

With your help, our creativity as doctors, patients, philanthropists, and investigative scientists will continue to find ways to outsmart cancer with immunotherapy. We are on the brink of very different outcomes for kids like Lilly.

The work you fund here will save lives all over the world and create many more childhood cancer success stories. MSK data and findings are shared with the global oncology community, so by working together we can help as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. That’s the MSK ripple effect.

Let's double down on our collective powers of invention — together, always.

Make an impact on the lives of patients like Lilly  Donate Now